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This spreadsheet has the column headings that we'll use to customize your letters. Please make sure that your column headings match these for each of the variables you want to use in your letter.

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This document can be used as a starting point to craft your letters. The variables used for personalization must match the variables in your spreadsheet.

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What goes on a letter?

We like to keep things short and sweet whenever we send out letters. Our messaging caps out at 250 characters, which we've found to be the sweet spot. You can write anything that you want, but we're always here to help.


People customize these letters with all kinds of variables. You might include first names, last names, addresses, just the city/county, etc.

Why personalize?

Small personalized features makes the reader feel like this letter is... well, personal. Using a first name and potentially referencing the geographic area will help your mail connect with the reader. Example- "I was looking at homes in <town>.", "Electricity rates in <county> have doubled.", "We work with people in <town>."

Blank Letter.